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Law Council of Australia

Family Law Section

The Family Law Section (FLS) of the Law Council of Australia is the largest professional association for family law practitioners, with a membership of more than 3,000 from all Australian States and Territories and a number of international members.

The Section is constituted, organised, and regulated by by-laws approved by the Directors of the Law Council of Australia.  The work of the Section is guided by its strategic plan.

FLS Team

Susan Cox, Director
Lydia Godding, Events Coordinator
Abeir Soukieh, Communications and Membership Coordinator
Noora Salo, Administration and Projects Coordinator

Our Purpose

The Family Law Section exists to positively influence the development and practice of family law for the benefit of its members and the general community and to promote professional excellence and influence decision making so that the family law system in Australia is fair, respected, functional, and responsive to community needs.

Our Values

  • Commitment – to improving the practice of family law in Australia
  • Professionalism – so that family law is recognised as a mainstream area of legal practice, and respected for its social value
  • Excellence – in everything we do for and on behalf of members and in running the Section
  • Non-partisanship – in representing the interests of our members our views will be independent of politics.


Our Objectives

Membership and membership services: To increase membership growth and retention through the delivery of first-class membership services, events, and professional development programs based on an understanding of members’ needs.

Representation: To effectively represent the interests of members with decision-makers and influencers and lead the development of family law in Australia.

Organisation and management: To ensure the Section is effectively resourced and managed, consistent with its aims, values, and commitment to members.

Join us today!

With the health, economic, and structural challenges facing our profession, a strong representative voice in family law has never been more vital and we thank you for your continued membership and support.