The Family Law Section, a proud sponsor of the 2023 National Access to Justice and Pro Bono Conference, is currently offering one in-person scholarship, which will cover the cost of registration to attend the conference for an individual.
The applicant must:
be experiencing a barrier in attending the conference (including but not limited to geographical or financial barrier);
explain how their attendance would support their work with vulnerable family law clients; and
be prepared to attend the entire conference.
To apply:
Please provide your response to the above criteria...
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information by or on behalf of the Law Council of Australia Limited (Law Council) (ABN 85 005 260 622), referred to in this policy as “the Law Council”, “our”, “we” or “us”). Please read it carefully.
Our commitment to your privacy
The Law Council respects the privacy of its Section members and other individuals. We are committed to protecting your personal information, and ensuring its privacy, accuracy and security.
We handle your personal information in a responsible...
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Membership Terms & Conditions
Privacy collection statement
The Law Council of Australia Limited (Law Council) respects your privacy. We handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and our obligations under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
We collect your personal information to process or renew your membership and for purposes related to your membership, including providing you with information about matters relevant to the activities of the Law Council and its Constituent...
Membership Renewal Intro
Memberships for 2022–2023 are now open
Please renew your membership by 30 June 2022 to take advantage of the early bird rate
Membership Fees
Early Bird Fee 2022/2023
Full Fee 2022/2023
(1 May 2022 - 30 June 2022)
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
All fees are inclusive of GST, except International and NZFLS reciprocal membership where it is...
Membership application
The Family Law Section membership and fee structure is outlined below. We have restructured some of our membership categories this financial year, so we encourage you to look carefully at the different membership types to choose the one that best fits your situation.
With the health, economic, and structural challenges facing our profession, a strong representative voice in family law has never been more vital and we thank you for your continued membership support.
If you are an existing member, please login to renew.
If you are unsure about which membership type would be correct...
Event Terms and Conditions
Event Terms and conditions
All tickets to Law Council of Australia (LCA) events are issued subject to these terms and conditions. By purchasing LCA tickets and/or attending LCA events, you are agreeing to abide by these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are subject to, and will not apply to the extent that they exclude, restrict or modify your rights (including any consumer guarantees) under the Australian Consumer Law (Non-excludable Consumer Obligations). Any rights and remedies given to consumers under these terms and conditions are in addition to the rights and remedies provided...
About Family Law Section
The Family Law Section (FLS) of the Law Council of Australia is the largest professional association for family law practitioners, with a membership of more than 3,000 from all Australian States and Territories and a number of international members.
The Section is constituted, organised, and regulated by by-laws approved by the Directors of the Law Council of Australia. The work of the Section is guided by its strategic plan.
FLS Team
Susan Cox, DirectorLydia Godding, Events CoordinatorAbeir Soukieh, Communications and Membership CoordinatorNoora Salo, Administration...
Helpful Legal Links
Useful Legal Links
The Law Council and the Family Law Section are not able to offer advice on individual cases.
Looking for a family lawyer?
The below list of law societies and associations may be helpful. Many have search tools to find specialist lawyers in your area.
State and Territory Bar Associations and Law Societies
ACT Law Society
ACT Bar Association
NSW Law Society
NSW Bar Association
NT Law Society
NT Bar Association
Queensland Law Society
Queensland Bar Association
Queensland Family Law Practitioners Association
Law Society of SA
SA Bar
Law Society...
Get in Touch
Contact Us
The Law Council of Australia (Law Council) is the peak national representative body of the Australian legal profession representing 65,000 Australian lawyers, to the federal government. The Family Law Section forms part of the Law Council, which advocates influencing the development and practice of family law.
The Law Council and the Family Law Section are not able to offer advice on individual cases.
Law Council of AustraliaPO Box 5350Braddon ACT 2612
Phone (02) 6246 3761
Professional Development inquiries This email address is being protected from...
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Want to be part of an association that advocates for and supports Family Lawyers in Australia?
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With the health, economic, and structural challenges facing our profession, a strong representative voice in family law has never been more vital and we thank you for your continued membership and support.
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